Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following conditions could happen in chronic pancreatitis and malabsorption syndrome with steatorrhea?

A. hyperoxaluria

B. hypercalciuria

C. hyperuricosuria

D. hyperphosphateuria

Correct Answer :

A. hyperoxaluria

hyperoxaluria with a passage of calcium oxalate stones is documented in inflammatory bowel diseases.

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What is the correct answer?


Which agent is safe to kidneys?

A. amoxicillin

B. gentamycin

C. diclofenac

D. herb extract

What is the correct answer?


Which layer lies between the superficial and deep inguinal lymph nodes?

A. Scarpa`s fascia

B. fascia lata

C. Dartos fascia

D. Camper`s fascia

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Which organism is capable of proliferation in the urine and causing urethritis?

A. Ureaplasma urealyticum

B. Chlamydia trachomatis

C. E. coli

D. Neisseria gonorrhea

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Where is the gene sex-determining region (SRY) located at?

A. long arm of X chromosome

B. long arm of Y chromosome

C. short arm of Y chromosome

D. short arm of X chromosome

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Which of the renal artery occlusive conditions, commonly, do NOT affect renal function?

A. intimal fibroplasia

B. medial fibroplasia

C. medial hyperplasia

D. serosal hyperplasia

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Which class of the following agents does NOT impair spermatogenesis?

A. alkylating agents

B. phenothiazines

C. antiandrogens

D. prostaglandins

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What is the number of bacteria per high-power field microscopy that matches colony counts of 100,000/mL?

A. 100

B. 50

C. 10

D. 5

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Which type of renal stone crystals is known as coffin lid?

A. oxalate

B. struvite

C. urate

D. cystine

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Which of the following does NOT increase PSA value?

A. trauma to the prostate

B. digital rectal examination

C. urinary retention

D. prostatitis

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What are the posterior relations of the kidneys?

A. quadratus lumborum and diaphragm

B. psoas and diaphragm

C. psoas and latissimus dorsi

D. transversus abdominus and paraspinous

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All of the following develop from the mesonephric ducts, EXCEPT:

A. vas deferens

B. seminal vesicles

C. appendix epididymis

D. appendix testis

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At which week of gestation do the primordial germ cells migrate to form the genital ridges?

A. third

B. fourth

C. fifth

D. seventh

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In which condition can NOT creatinine level be 1200 mg/dL?

A. an aspirate of pelvic urinoma

B. in untreated end-stage renal failure disease

C. a sample from a wound drain after pyeloplasty

D. a sample from suprapubic catheter

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What could cause autonomic dysreflexia?

A. full bladder or rectum

B. tooth extraction

C. hypertension medications

D. uncontrolled diabetes mellitus

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Which group(s) of lymph nodes drain(s) the glans penis?

A. internal and external iliac

B. superficial inguinal

C. deep inguinal

D. superficial and deep inguinal

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Which of the following might cause sterile pyuria?

A. renal tuberculosis

B. urinary tract stones

C. interstitial cystitis

D. all of the above

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Hematuria of glomerular origin is associated with:

A. significant proteinuria, dysmorphic RBCs, RBC casts

B. glycosuria, eumorphic RBCs, WBC casts

C. hypercalciuria, eumorphic RBCs, granular casts

D. proteinuria, dysmorphic RBCs, hyaline casts

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How many renal papillae are there in a typical kidney?

A. 4 to 6

B. 7 to 9

C. 10 to 12

D. 13 to 14

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To which group of lymph nodes do tumors at the anterior superior area of the bladder, first, drain?

A. hypogastric

B. internal iliac

C. external iliac

D. lateral sacral

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What is true regarding hematospermia?

A. should be investigated thoroughly like hematuria

B. is rarely associated with significant urologic pathology

C. carries a risk of infertility

D. mandates testicular biopsy

What is the correct answer?


Bacterial resistance to antibiotics may occur because of:

A. inherited chromosomal-mediated resistance

B. acquired chromosomal-mediated resistance

C. extrachromosomal-mediated resistance

D. all of the above

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Which of the following mediates calcium reabsorption in the distal renal tubules?

A. aldosterone

B. hypocalcemia

C. parathyroid hormone

D. vitamin D

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What is the narrowest part of the ureter?

A. uretero-pelvic junction

B. uretero-vesical junction

C. where ureters cross the pelvic brim

D. where ureters cross the common iliac bifurcation

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What causes Cushing`s disease is:

A. bilateral adrenal hyperplasia

B. pituitary over secretion of ACTH

C. exogenous administration of glucocorticoids

D. immune-mediated disease

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In utero, which hormone stimulates the development of Wolffian ducts?

A. estradiol



D. testosterone

What is the correct answer?


Renal blood flow is autoregulated by:

A. sympathetic nervous system

B. parasympathetic nervous system

C. urinary output

D. afferent arteriolar resistance

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What causes pink diaper syndrome is (are):

A. Staphylococcus epidermidis in the urine

B. dried urate crystals on the diaper

C. Adenovirus 11 in the urine

D. Candidiasis in the urine

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Which drug does NOT result in urinary retention?

A. terazosin, antihypertensive

B. benzodiazepines, psychotropic medicine

C. levodopa, anti-Parkinsonism medicine

D. brimonidine, glaucoma eye drops

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The commonest neoplasms that metastasize to kidneys come from:

A. breasts

B. thyroids

C. lungs

D. liver

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The epithelial component of the prostate consists of all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. basal cells

B. intermediate cells

C. tubulo-columnar cells

D. neuroendocrine cells