Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is (are) direct branch(es) of the abdominal aorta?

A. median sacral artery

B. inferior phrenic arteries

C. gonadal arteries

D. all of the above

Correct Answer :

D. all of the above


Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following conditions could happen in chronic pancreatitis and malabsorption syndrome with steatorrhea?

A. hyperoxaluria

B. hypercalciuria

C. hyperuricosuria

D. hyperphosphateuria

What is the correct answer?


How many renal papillae are there in a typical kidney?

A. 4 to 6

B. 7 to 9

C. 10 to 12

D. 13 to 14

What is the correct answer?


What is the best initial therapy for hyponatremic dehydration?

A. administration of hypertonic saline

B. administration of crystalloid

C. administration of normal saline

D. administration of ringer lactate

What is the correct answer?


Which statement is false concerning smegma?

A. it is the white secretion produced under the foreskin in males

B. it has a crucial role in penile cancer development

C. it contains lysozymes, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase and cytokines

D. female smegma can be found between the labia

What is the correct answer?


At what month of intra-uterine life do testes descend into the scrotum with the aid of the intra-abdominal pressure and the gubernacula?

A. sixth

B. seventh

C. eighth

D. ninth

What is the correct answer?


What is the best method to evaluate calcium levels in the urine?

A. from early morning urine sample

B. comparing urine and serum calcium at a given time

C. performing 24 urine collection

D. from a mid-stream urine sample

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following conditions could result in white urine?

A. chyluria

B. bacteriuria

C. phosphaturia

D. all of the above

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Regarding renal ectopia, usually, the adrenals:

A. are cross ectopic

B. are at their normal position

C. travel with the kidneys

D. undergo ischemic atrophy

What is the correct answer?


Which statement regarding post-obstructive diuresis (POD) is false?

A. urine production exceeding 200 ml/hr for 2 consecutive hours or producing greater than 3 L of urine in 24 hours is diagnostic of POD

B. pathologic POD can be exacerbated by excessive fluid replacement

C. the replacement fluid choice is ringer lactate

D. fluid resuscitation depends on the degree of dehydration

What is the correct answer?


What antibiotic could result in red man syndrome?

A. vancomycin

B. clindamycin

C. streptomycin

D. tobramycin

What is the correct answer?


Which statement is false concerning the dipstick method for detecting hematuria?

A. depends on the ability of hemoglobin to oxidize a chromogen indicator

B. negative results need to be confirmed by microscopic examination

C. has a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 75%

D. the presence of many epithelial cells suggests skin or vaginal contamination

What is the correct answer?


Where is Santorini plexus located?

A. at either side of the prostate

B. in the pubo-prostatic space

C. anterior to the seminal vesicles

D. posterior to the vaso-epididymal junction

What is the correct answer?


What is false concerning coagulase splitting bacteria (Griess) test?

A. it is a reduction reaction that converts nitrate to nitrite

B. nitrazine reagent papers are used to elicit the reaction

C. it is false negative in diluted urine, on taking vitamin C, and in gram +ve bacteria

D. the reaction takes 4 minutes to complete

What is the correct answer?


What do the specialized cells, at the juxtaglomerular apparatus, produce?

A. erythropoietin

B. renin

C. angiotensin I

D. angiotensinogen

What is the correct answer?


Bacterial resistance to antibiotics may occur because of:

A. inherited chromosomal-mediated resistance

B. acquired chromosomal-mediated resistance

C. extrachromosomal-mediated resistance

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is the appropriate intravenous maintenance fluid for a 16 kg girl?

A. 43 ml/hr of normal saline

B. 78 ml/hr of ¼ normal saline

C. 69 ml/hr of ½ normal saline

D. 54 ml/hr of ¼ normal saline

What is the correct answer?


What are the first and second most common zones from where prostate cancers arise?

A. central then transitional

B. peripheral then transitional

C. peripheral then central

D. transitional then central

What is the correct answer?


Which statement is true about the female urethra?

A. harder to catheterize when compared to the male urethra

B. 4 inch long

C. opens into the vestibule below the clitoris

D. gets wider at the post-menopausal age

What is the correct answer?


In which organelle in Leydig cell does testosterone synthesis take place?

A. ribosome

B. mitochondria

C. Golgi apparatus

D. endoplasmic reticulum

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following diabetes mellitus treatments causes erectile dysfunction?

A. long-acting insulin

B. metformin

C. sulfonylurea

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a cause of hypocitraturia?

A. high protein diet

B. hypokalaemia

C. proximal renal tubular acidosis

D. idiopathic

What is the correct answer?


Which hormone measures testicular germ cell function best?




D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is the narrowest part of the ureter?

A. uretero-pelvic junction

B. uretero-vesical junction

C. where ureters cross the pelvic brim

D. where ureters cross the common iliac bifurcation

What is the correct answer?


What does apoptosis mean?

A. programmed cell death

B. new vascular formation

C. uninhibited neural stimulation

D. premature muscular contraction

What is the correct answer?


What is the half-life of β-HCG?

A. 5 7 days

B. 24 36 hours

C. 2 3 days

D. 12 24 hours

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is (are) direct branch(es) of the abdominal aorta?

A. median sacral artery

B. inferior phrenic arteries

C. gonadal arteries

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is the nature of the prostate-specific antigen?

A. protease

B. lyase

C. carboxylase

D. hydrolase

What is the correct answer?


Which class of the following agents does NOT impair spermatogenesis?

A. alkylating agents

B. phenothiazines

C. antiandrogens

D. prostaglandins

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a side effect of hydrochlorothiazide?

A. hypercholesterolemia

B. hyperuricemia

C. hypoglycemia

D. hypercalcemia

What is the correct answer?


Which drug does NOT result in urinary retention?

A. terazosin, antihypertensive

B. benzodiazepines, psychotropic medicine

C. levodopa, anti-Parkinsonism medicine

D. brimonidine, glaucoma eye drops