Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


What is the half-life of β-HCG?

A. 5 7 days

B. 24 36 hours

C. 2 3 days

D. 12 24 hours

Correct Answer :

B. 24 36 hours

beta-HCG half-life is 24 36 hrs.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


What vessels are located in the prostate neurovascular bundle?

A. Watson plexus

B. capsular arteries and veins

C. inferior vesical and midrectal vessels

D. Santorini plexus

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following does NOT affect serum creatinine?

A. gender

B. age

C. obstructing stone at left lower ureter

D. rhabdomyolysis

What is the correct answer?


All of the following conditions are related to obesity syndrome, EXCEPT:

A. super fertility

B. increase aromatization reaction

C. increase resistance to circulating insulin

D. sleep apnea

What is the correct answer?


What is the most common cause of hematuria in men over 60 yrs.?

A. kidney stones

B. glomerulonephritis


D. bladder cancer

What is the correct answer?


On tracing the IVU dye down, in a dilated ureter, the dilation stops at a level then continues as a normal calibre ureter. What could the pathology be?

A. lower ureteral stricture

B. ureteral valve

C. modified Lich-Gregoire ureteral reimplantation

D. residual dilation of hydroureter

What is the correct answer?


Which zone of the prostate originates from the Wolffian duct tissue:

A. central zone

B. peripheral zone

C. transitional zone

D. periurethral glands

What is the correct answer?


Which statement is false concerning the epididymis?

A. each epididymis can be palpable at the postero-lateral surface of the testis

B. has 3 parts; head, body, and tail

C. new batches of sperms stay in the epididymis around 2 days for maturation

D. shares the same blood supply of the testis

What is the correct answer?


At which condition is alpha-fetoprotein most frequently elevated?

A. infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast

B. seminoma

C. hepatocellular carcinoma

D. malignant melanoma

What is the correct answer?


How can hyperuricosuria cause calcium oxalate calculi?

A. by increasing oxalate absorption

B. by heterogeneous nucleation

C. by inducing hyperoxaluria

D. by reducing urate crystals saturation

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following does asymptomatic hematuria workup include?

A. cystoscopy

B. CT urography

C. urine cytology

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


At which type of renal tubular acidosis (RTA), typically, potassium levels increase?

A. type 1

B. type 2

C. type 3

D. type 4

What is the correct answer?


Which statement is false concerning microhematuria?

A. malignancy is identified in patients presenting with microhematuria more than in patients presenting with gross hematuria

B. microscopic hematuria is defined as > 3 red blood cells per high powered field (RBC/hpf) on a single specimen

C. warrants full hematuria workup

D. history of cigarette smoking is of significance

What is the correct answer?


At which week of gestation do the primordial germ cells migrate to form the genital ridges?

A. third

B. fourth

C. fifth

D. seventh

What is the correct answer?


Which statement explains the first event in the micturition reflex?

A. opening of internal bladder sphincter

B. fall in urethral pressure

C. rise in intravesical pressure

D. cessation of sphincter EMG activity

What is the correct answer?


What are the first and second most common zones from where prostate cancers arise?

A. central then transitional

B. peripheral then transitional

C. peripheral then central

D. transitional then central

What is the correct answer?


Where is the gene sex-determining region (SRY) located at?

A. long arm of X chromosome

B. long arm of Y chromosome

C. short arm of Y chromosome

D. short arm of X chromosome

What is the correct answer?


Which type of renal stone crystals is known as coffin lid?

A. oxalate

B. struvite

C. urate

D. cystine

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following lab results indicates prerenal failure?

A. serum BUN : creatinine > 20

B. urine [Na] < 30 mEq/L

C. Na excretion fraction < 1

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which area in the nervous system is tested by bulbocavernosus reflex?

A. brain stem

B. C2 C4

C. S2 - S4

D. L2 - L4

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following might cause sterile pyuria?

A. renal tuberculosis

B. urinary tract stones

C. interstitial cystitis

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which statement regarding post-obstructive diuresis (POD) is false?

A. urine production exceeding 200 ml/hr for 2 consecutive hours or producing greater than 3 L of urine in 24 hours is diagnostic of POD

B. pathologic POD can be exacerbated by excessive fluid replacement

C. the replacement fluid choice is ringer lactate

D. fluid resuscitation depends on the degree of dehydration

What is the correct answer?


Regarding multicystic kidneys, at what age does the compensatory renal growth end?

A. at birth

B. 2 years

C. at puberty

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a part of the urogenital diaphragm structures?

A. perineal membrane

B. deep transverse perineal muscle

C. urethral sphincter

D. Camper`s fascia

What is the correct answer?


What is the creatinine clearance in ml/min for a 70 kg man aging 50 yrs. with 1.1 mg/dL serum creatinine?

A. 79.54

B. 44.19

C. 84.15

D. 94.25

What is the correct answer?


Which disease is described best by the following manifestations: grand mal epilepsy, mental retardation, hypertension, angiomyolipoma, adenoma sebaceum, bilateral enlarged kidneys, and normal renal function?

A. autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

B. von Hippel-Lindau disease

C. tuberous sclerosis

D. Sturge-Webber syndrome

What is the correct answer?


Between which 2 fascial planes does the prostatic neurovascular bundle travel?

A. prostatic fascia and levator fascia

B. prostate capsule and prostatic fascia

C. Denonvilliers fascia and prostate capsule

D. Denonvilliers fascia and endopelvic fascia

What is the correct answer?


To which group of lymph nodes do tumors at the anterior superior area of the bladder, first, drain?

A. hypogastric

B. internal iliac

C. external iliac

D. lateral sacral

What is the correct answer?


The commonest neoplasms that metastasize to kidneys come from:

A. breasts

B. thyroids

C. lungs

D. liver

What is the correct answer?


What is the prime effect of antidiuretic hormone on kidneys?

A. increase collecting duct permeability

B. increase medullary blood flow

C. decrease cortical blood flow

D. decrease potassium secretion

What is the correct answer?


The epithelial component of the prostate consists of all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. basal cells

B. intermediate cells

C. tubulo-columnar cells

D. neuroendocrine cells