Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which artery(ies) supply(ies) the prostate?

A. middle rectal

B. inferior vesical

C. a & b

D. none of the above

Correct Answer :

C. a & b


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What is the correct answer?


Which statement is false concerning smegma?

A. it is the white secretion produced under the foreskin in males

B. it has a crucial role in penile cancer development

C. it contains lysozymes, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase and cytokines

D. female smegma can be found between the labia

What is the correct answer?


Which organism is capable of proliferation in the urine and causing urethritis?

A. Ureaplasma urealyticum

B. Chlamydia trachomatis

C. E. coli

D. Neisseria gonorrhea

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Which of the following carries the greatest risk of HIV transmission to health care workers?

A. splash of patient`s blood to the eyes

B. splash of patient`s blood to the mouth

C. surgical suture needle stick

D. hollow bore needle stick

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Which drug does NOT result in urinary retention?

A. terazosin, antihypertensive

B. benzodiazepines, psychotropic medicine

C. levodopa, anti-Parkinsonism medicine

D. brimonidine, glaucoma eye drops

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The majority of circulating testosterone is:

A. bound to sex hormone-binding globulin

B. free

C. bound to α1-antichymotrypsin

D. bound to albumin

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Which of the following is NOT a sex accessory tissue?

A. the prostate gland

B. seminal vesicles

C. epididymi

D. bulbourethral glands

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What is false about indinavir sulfate stones?

A. intratubular crystal formation might occur

B. CT cannot reliably confirm the presence of indinavir calculi

C. stone formation is demonstrated in 80% of patients taking the medication

D. is a protease inhibitor with poor solubility and significant urinary excretion

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In which condition can NOT creatinine level be 1200 mg/dL?

A. an aspirate of pelvic urinoma

B. in untreated end-stage renal failure disease

C. a sample from a wound drain after pyeloplasty

D. a sample from suprapubic catheter

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Which of the following is NOT related to von Hippel-Lindau disease?

A. retinal hemangioblastoma

B. ureteral atresia

C. pheochromocytomas

D. multiple cysts in the pancreas and kidneys

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Which of the following might cause sterile pyuria?

A. renal tuberculosis

B. urinary tract stones

C. interstitial cystitis

D. all of the above

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Which statement explains the first event in the micturition reflex?

A. opening of internal bladder sphincter

B. fall in urethral pressure

C. rise in intravesical pressure

D. cessation of sphincter EMG activity

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Which of the following does asymptomatic hematuria workup include?

A. cystoscopy

B. CT urography

C. urine cytology

D. all of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is false concerning renal vasculature?

A. there are 4 surgical segments of the kidney, based on the segmental artery distribution

B. along the kidney convexity, there is an avascular plane

C. there are no collaterals between segmental arteries

D. in < 10%, the posterior branch is the first to branch off the renal artery

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Which of the following contributes second to the seminal fluid by volume?

A. seminal vesicles

B. the prostate

C. testes

D. bulbourethral glands

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What is true regarding hematospermia?

A. should be investigated thoroughly like hematuria

B. is rarely associated with significant urologic pathology

C. carries a risk of infertility

D. mandates testicular biopsy

What is the correct answer?


Which statement is false concerning microhematuria?

A. malignancy is identified in patients presenting with microhematuria more than in patients presenting with gross hematuria

B. microscopic hematuria is defined as > 3 red blood cells per high powered field (RBC/hpf) on a single specimen

C. warrants full hematuria workup

D. history of cigarette smoking is of significance

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How many days does spermatogenesis take in the man?

A. 16

B. 32

C. 64

D. 90

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What is false concerning the collecting system structures of a typical kidney?

A. the renal pelvis could be intra or extra renal

B. the renal pelvis divides into 2 or 3 major calyces

C. major calyces divide into 2 or 3 minor calyces

D. unlike lateral calyces, polar calyces are often paired

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Renal blood flow is autoregulated by:

A. sympathetic nervous system

B. parasympathetic nervous system

C. urinary output

D. afferent arteriolar resistance

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Which of the following is false regarding Addison`s disease?

A. autoimmune disease in 70% of the cases

B. diagnosed by the rapid ACTH stimulation test

C. characterized by low serum sodium and high potassium

D. may coexist with hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus

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Where is the centre of reflex erection located at?

A. the brain cortex

B. the sacral cord

C. the lumbar cord

D. the hypothalamus

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How many renal papillae are there in a typical kidney?

A. 4 to 6

B. 7 to 9

C. 10 to 12

D. 13 to 14

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Where do Cowper`s gland ducts drain into?

A. ejaculatory ducts

B. prostatic urethra

C. membranous urethra

D. bulbous urethra

What is the correct answer?


Which part of the prostate prevents the seminal fluid from entering the bladder during ejaculation?

A. central zone

B. peripheral zone

C. preprostatic tissue

D. anterior fibromuscular stroma

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following mediates calcium reabsorption in the distal renal tubules?

A. aldosterone

B. hypocalcemia

C. parathyroid hormone

D. vitamin D

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Which innervations mediate detumescence?

A. cavernous nerves

B. dorsal nerves of the penis

C. sympathetic nervous system

D. parasympathetic nervous system

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When should a 70 yrs. man with 40 ml prostate volume, and total PSA of 2.0 ng/ml, go for a prostate biopsy?

A. if PSA reading had exceeded 2.7 ng/ml over 12 months

B. if free PSA reading was less than 0.4 ng/ml

C. if total PSA reading was greater than 8 ng/ml

D. any of the above

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How does estrogen prevent lower UTI in postmenopausal women?

A. increasing vaginal secretions

B. decreasing vaginal pH

C. increasing normal vaginal flora

D. decreasing bacterial adherence

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What is the most significant complication of cyclosporine?

A. hepatic toxicity

B. renal toxicity

C. neural toxicity

D. cardiac toxicity

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Which part of the prostate is traversed by the ejaculatory duct:

A. central zone

B. peripheral zone

C. transitional zone

D. fibromuscular stroma