Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following does asymptomatic hematuria workup include?

A. cystoscopy

B. CT urography

C. urine cytology

D. all of the above

Correct Answer :

D. all of the above


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What is the correct answer?


Which agent should be avoided during living-related donor nephrectomy?

A. ice slush

B. heparin

C. norepinephrine

D. methylene blue

What is the correct answer?


Which part of the prostate prevents the seminal fluid from entering the bladder during ejaculation?

A. central zone

B. peripheral zone

C. preprostatic tissue

D. anterior fibromuscular stroma

What is the correct answer?


Which zone of the prostate originates from the Wolffian duct tissue:

A. central zone

B. peripheral zone

C. transitional zone

D. periurethral glands

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In males, which of the following structure(s) can NOT be palpated during digital rectal examination?

A. pelvic floor muscles

B. seminal vesicles

C. anterior surface of the sacrum

D. median lobe of the prostate

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Which microbe causes red diaper syndrome?

A. Serratia marcescens

B. Streptococcus pyogenes

C. Clostridium difficile

D. Staphylococcus saprophyticus

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Which of the following contributes second to the seminal fluid by volume?

A. seminal vesicles

B. the prostate

C. testes

D. bulbourethral glands

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Which innervations mediate detumescence?

A. cavernous nerves

B. dorsal nerves of the penis

C. sympathetic nervous system

D. parasympathetic nervous system

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During fluoroscopy, what is the main source of radiation hazards that urologists could be exposed to?

A. scattered radiation from the unleaded wall

B. scattered radiation from the patient

C. scattered radiation from the floor and ceiling

D. radiation from the primary beam

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Which of the following lab results indicates prerenal failure?

A. serum BUN : creatinine > 20

B. urine [Na] < 30 mEq/L

C. Na excretion fraction < 1

D. all of the above

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What are the abnormalities that might accompany complete ureteral duplications?

A. reflux to the upper pole ureter, obstruction to the lower pole ureter

B. reflux to the lower pole ureter, obstruction to the upper pole ureter

C. left ureteropelvic junction obstruction, right ureterocele

D. right ureteropelvic junction obstruction, left ureterocele

What is the correct answer?


Where do Cowper`s gland ducts drain into?

A. ejaculatory ducts

B. prostatic urethra

C. membranous urethra

D. bulbous urethra

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following might cause sterile pyuria?

A. renal tuberculosis

B. urinary tract stones

C. interstitial cystitis

D. all of the above

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Which of the following does NOT affect serum creatinine?

A. gender

B. age

C. obstructing stone at left lower ureter

D. rhabdomyolysis

What is the correct answer?


What is false concerning renal vasculature?

A. there are 4 surgical segments of the kidney, based on the segmental artery distribution

B. along the kidney convexity, there is an avascular plane

C. there are no collaterals between segmental arteries

D. in < 10%, the posterior branch is the first to branch off the renal artery

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By which of the following structures, do the fused lower poles of hoarseshoe kidneys get trapped during embryologic ascent?

A. inferior mesenteric artery

B. superior mesenteric artery

C. celiac artery

D. common iliac artery

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What are the posterior relations of the kidneys?

A. quadratus lumborum and diaphragm

B. psoas and diaphragm

C. psoas and latissimus dorsi

D. transversus abdominus and paraspinous

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Which drug does NOT result in urinary retention?

A. terazosin, antihypertensive

B. benzodiazepines, psychotropic medicine

C. levodopa, anti-Parkinsonism medicine

D. brimonidine, glaucoma eye drops

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The majority of circulating testosterone is:

A. bound to sex hormone-binding globulin

B. free

C. bound to α1-antichymotrypsin

D. bound to albumin

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Which statement regarding post-obstructive diuresis (POD) is false?

A. urine production exceeding 200 ml/hr for 2 consecutive hours or producing greater than 3 L of urine in 24 hours is diagnostic of POD

B. pathologic POD can be exacerbated by excessive fluid replacement

C. the replacement fluid choice is ringer lactate

D. fluid resuscitation depends on the degree of dehydration

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What is the best initial therapy for hyponatremic dehydration?

A. administration of hypertonic saline

B. administration of crystalloid

C. administration of normal saline

D. administration of ringer lactate

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Which of the following conditions could result in white urine?

A. chyluria

B. bacteriuria

C. phosphaturia

D. all of the above

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How does estrogen prevent lower UTI in postmenopausal women?

A. increasing vaginal secretions

B. decreasing vaginal pH

C. increasing normal vaginal flora

D. decreasing bacterial adherence

What is the correct answer?


Which part of the prostate is traversed by the ejaculatory duct:

A. central zone

B. peripheral zone

C. transitional zone

D. fibromuscular stroma

What is the correct answer?


What nerve provides the major neural supply to the striated urinary sphincter and levator ani muscle?

A. somatic innervations

B. sympathetic fibers from T11 - L2

C. the pudendal nerve

D. the obturator nerve

What is the correct answer?


What do urine tests examine to detect hematuria?

A. catalase activity of erythrocytes

B. peroxidase activity of erythrocytes

C. lyase activity of erythrocytes

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


What is the nerve supply of the adrenal gland?

A. sympathetic to the medulla

B. parasympathetic to the medulla

C. sympathetic to the cortex

D. parasympathetic to the cortex

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a sex accessory tissue?

A. the prostate gland

B. seminal vesicles

C. epididymi

D. bulbourethral glands

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At which week of gestation do the primordial germ cells migrate to form the genital ridges?

A. third

B. fourth

C. fifth

D. seventh

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What causes Cushing`s disease is:

A. bilateral adrenal hyperplasia

B. pituitary over secretion of ACTH

C. exogenous administration of glucocorticoids

D. immune-mediated disease

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From where does the main parasympathetic efferent innervation to the pelvic plexus arise?

A. S1

B. S2-S4

C. T11-L2

D. L3-S1